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Aa-Ab / Ac-Ag / Ah-Ak / AlAm / An-Ao / Ap-Ar / As-At / Au-Az

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Italic = Female

= High Priest
Ω= Prophet

= Royal
= ancestor of Christ


Aaron I: Levite | Son of Amram | Husband of Elisheba | Father of EleazarHigh Priest1500 BC

Aaron II: Nephite | Son of Mosiah II | Prince of Nephites | Missionary ≈ 100 BC


Abed-nego / Azariah VII: Friend of Daniel | Prince of Judah605 BC

Abel: Son of Adam & Eve3800 BC


Abiathar: Son of Ahijah or Ahimelech | High Priest1000 BC

Abigail: Wife of Nabal & David | Mother of ChileabQueen of Israel ≈ 1010 BC

Abijah I: † Son of Rehoboam & Maachah II | Father of AsaKing of Judah914 BC

Abimelech I: King of Gerar ≈ 1920 BC


Abimelech II: Son of Gideon I | King of Israel/Shechem1170 BC

Ω Abinadi: Nephite Prophet150 BC

Abishua: Son of Phinehas I | Father of BukkiHigh Priest1320 BC

Ω Abraham / Abram: † Son of Terah | Husband of Sarah | Father of Isaac, Ishamel, Midian, & Others | Prophet1900 BC

Absalom: Son of David & Maacah I | Prince of Israel1000 BC

Achish / Akish: Son of Maoch | King of Gath1012 BC

Ω Adam: † Husband of Eve | Father of Cain, Abel, & SethPatriarch | Prophet4000 BC

Adonijah: Son of David & Haggith | Prince of Israel980 BC

Agag: King of Amalekites1024 BC

Agrippa I & II: see Herod Agrippa I & II


Ahab: Son of Omri | Husband of Jezebel | Father of Ahaziah I, Jehoram I, & AthaliahKing of Israel874 BC

Ahasuerus: see Artaxerxes II or Xerxes I


Ahaz: † Son of Jotham | Father of HezekiahKing of Judah732 BC

Ahaziah I: Son of Ahab & Jezebel | King of Israel852 BC

Ahaziah II / Jehoahaz I / Ozias: † Son of Jehoram II & Athaliah | Father of Jehoash IKing of Judah842 BC

Ahiah / Ahijah: Son of Ahitub | High Priest1020 BC

Ahijah the Shilonite: Prophet946 BC

Ahimaaz: Son of Zadok I | High Priest970 BC

Ahimelech: Son of Ahitub | High Priest1012 BC

Ahitub: Son of Phinehas II | Father of Ahiah & AhimelechHigh Priest1040 BC


Alcimus: High Priest163 BC

Alexander the Great: Son of Philip II | King of Macedonia ≈ 336 BC

Alma I the Elder: Father of Alma II | Priest of Noah II | Prophet ≈ 148 BC


Alma II the Younger: son of Alma I | Chief Judge | Prophet ≈ 90 BC


Amalek: Grandson of Esau | Father of Amalekites ≈ 1600 BC


Amaleki: Son of Abinadom | Record Keeper ≈ 270 BC


Amalekites: Tribe in the Negev/Sinai | Descended from Esau ≈ 1500 BC


Amaziah: † Son of Jehoash I & Jehoaddan | Father of UzziahKing of Judah796 BC


Amel-marduk / Evil-Merodach: Son of Nebuchadnezzar II | King of Neo-Babylonian Empire562 BC


​​Ammaron: Brother of Amos II | Prophet ≈ 300 AD


Ammon I: see Ben-Ammi


Ammon II: Descendant of Zarahemla | Freed Limhi's people ≈ 121 BC


Ammon III: Son of Mosiah II | Prince of Nephites | Missionary ≈ 100 BC


Ammonites: Tribe from east of Jordan River | Descended from Ben-Ammi & Lot ≈ 1700 BC


Amnon: Son of David & Ahinoam | Prince of Israel1010 BC

Amon: † Son of Manasseh II & Meshullemeth | Father of JosiahKing of Judah642 BC

Amos: Biblical Prophet766 BC

Amram: Son of Kohath | Grandson of Levi | Father of Aaron, Miriam, & Moses1550 BC


Amulek: Missionary ≈ 80 BC


Ananias ben Nedebeus: Son of Nedebeus | High Priest47 AD

Ananias of Damascus | Baptizer of Paul35 AD


Andrew: Son of Jona | Fisherman | Apostle30 AD

Anna: Daughter of Phanuel | Prophetess1 BC


Annas / Ananus / Ananias: Son of Seth | Father of Eleazar, Caiaphas (FIL), Jonathan, Theophilus, Matthias, & Ananus | High Priest6 AD


Anti-Nephi-Lehies: Lamanites who converted ≈ 80 BC

Antiochus IV Epiphanes: Son of Antiochus III | King of Seleucids ≈ 175 BC


Antipas: see Herod Antipas

Apostle: One sent Forth | Representative and Special Witness of Jesus Christ ≈ 30 AD


Apries / Hophra: Son of Psamtik II | Pharaoh of Egypt589 BC

Archelaus: see Herod Archelaus

Aristobulus Minor: Son of Aristobulus IV & Berenice I | Prince of Judea40 AD

Artaxerxes I: Son of Xerxes I | Father of Xerxes IIKing of Persia465 BC

Artaxerxes II / Ahasuerus?: Son of Darius II | Father of Artaxerxes IIIKing of Persia405 BC


Asa: † Son of Abijah | Father of JehoshaphatKing of Judah912 BC

Asaph: Son of Berachiah | Levite Musician1000 BC


Asenath: Daughter of Poti-pherah | Wife of Joseph I | Mother of Ephraim & Manasseh I 1650 BC

Asher: Son of Jacob I & Zilpah | Patriarch1670 BC

Ashurbanipal / Asnappar: Son of Esarhaddon | King of Assyria ≈ 668 BC


Athaliah: Daughter of Ahab & Jezebel | Wife of Jehoram II | Mother of Ahaziah II | Queen of Judah ≈ 841 BC

Augustus: Son of Gaius Octavius | Adopted Father of TiberiusEmperor of Rome27 BC

Azariah I: Son of Zadok I or Ahimaaz | High Priest960 BC

Azariah II: Son of Oded | Prophet910 BC

Azariah III: see Uzziah


Azariah IV: Descendant of Johanan I | High Priest780 BC


Azariah VI: Son of Hilkiah | Father of SeraiahHigh Priest620 BC

Azariah VII: see Abed-nego

Ba / Be / Bi-Bz


Baal / Bel / Hadad / Jupiter / Set / Zeus: Storm God From Many Religions


Baasha: Son of Ahijah | Father of ElahKing of Israel909 BC

Balaam: Son of Beor | Prophet from Pethor1371 BC

 Balak: Son of Zippor | King of Moab1371 BC

Barak: Son of Abinoam | Judge of Israel1250 BC

Barnabas: Companion of Paul34 AD

Bartholomew / Nathanael: Apostle31 AD

Baruch: Son of Neriah | Scribe of Jeremiah ≈ 630 BC


Bathsheba: Wife of UriahDavid | Mother of Solomon, Nathan II, & Others | Queen of Israel ≈ 993 BC


Beelzebub / Baalzebub: God of Philistines | Chief Demon


Belshazzar: Son of Nabonidus | Prince of Babylon539 BC


Belteshazzar: see Daniel

Ben-Ammi / Ammon: Son of Lot | Father of Ammonites ≈ 1750 BC


Benhadad I: Son of TabrimmonKing of Syria/Aram Damascus885 BC

Benhadad II / Hadadezer: King of Syria/Aram Damascus865 BC

Benhadad III: Son of Hazael | King of Syria/Aram Damascus796 BC

Benjamin I: Son of Jacob I & Rachel | Patriarch1640 BC

Benjamin II: Son of Mosiah I | Father of Mosiah IIKing of Nephites | Prophet160 BC

Berenice II: Daughter of Herod Agrippa I & Cypros II | Wife of several | Affair with Emperor TitusPrincess of Judea ≈ 50 AD

Berodach-Baladan: see Marduk-apla-iddina II

Bethuel: Son of Nahor & Milcah | Father of Laban I & Rebekah ≈ 1800 BC


Bilhah: Handmaid of Rachel | Wife of Jacob I | Mother of Dan & Naphtali 1700 BC


Bishop: Title of religious leader meaning "overseer" ≈ 40 AD

Boaz: † Son of Salmon & Rahab | Husband of Ruth | Great-grandfather of David1200 BC

Brigham Young: Latter-day Prophet = 1847 AD


Brother of Jared / Mahonri Moriancumer: Leader of Jaredites2100 BC


Bukki: Son of Abishua | Father of UzziHigh Priest1280 BC




​​​​■ Caiaphas / Joseph ben Caiaphas: Son-in-law of Annas | High Priest18 AD


Cain: Son of Adam & Eve 3800 BC

Caleb: Son of Jephunneh | Prince/Head of Judah1400 BC


Canaan: Son of Ham | Father of Canaanites ≈ 2300 BC


Canaanites: Tribes in the Levant including Hitties, Jebusites, Amorites, & Hivites | Descended from Canaan ≈ 2000 BC

Christ: see Jesus

Claudius: Son of Nero Claudius Drusus | Emperor of Rome ≈ 41 AD


Cornelius: Roman Centurion ≈ 39 AD


Cush: Son of Ham | Father of Nimrod ≈ 2200 BC

Cyrenius: see Quirinius


Cyrus the Great: Son of Cambyses I | King of Persia/Achaemenid Empire550 BC




Dan: Son of Jacob I & Bilhah | Patriarch ≈ 1670 BC

Daniel / Belteshazzar: Prince of Judah | Prophet605 BC

Darius the Mede: King of Babylon ≈ 539 BC


Darius I the Great: Son of Hystaspes | Father of Xerxes I | King of Persia/Achaemenid Empire522 BC


Darius III: Son of Arsames | Last King of Persia/Achaemenid Empire336 BC


David: † Son of Jesse | Father of Amnon, Absalom, Tamar IIAdonijah, Solomon, Nathan II, & others | King of Israel1010 BC


David Whitmer: One of Three Witnesses | Apostle = 1829 AD


Deborah: Wife of Lapidoth | Judge of Israel | Prophetess1250 BC


Delilah: Temptress of Samson ≈ 1060 BC


Dinah: Daughter of Jacob I & Leah ≈ 1650 BC

Disciple: Follower of Jesus or other religious teachers | Sometimes used in place of Apostle ≈ 30 AD


Drusilla: Daughter of Herod Agrippa I & Cypros II | Wife of Felix | Princess of Judea ≈ 52 AD

Ea-Ek / El-EmEn-Es / Et-Ez


Edomites/Idumeans: Tribe from south of Dead Sea | Descended from Esau ≈ 1800 BC


Egyptus: Wife of Ham ≈ 2300 BC

Ehud: Son of Gera | Judge of Israel1300 BC

Elah: Son of Baasha | King of Israel886 BC

Eleazar: Son of Aaron | Father of Phinehas IHigh Priest1400 BC

Eli: Father of Hophni & Phinehas II | High Priest1080 BC

Eliakim: see Jehoiakim


Elias: Title of a "forerunner" | see also Elijah or John the Baptist

Eliashib: Son of Joiakim | Grandfather of NehemiahHigh Priest 470 BC

Eliezer II: Son of Dodavah | Prophet850 BC

Elijah / Elias: the Tishbite | Prophet863 BC

Elisabeth: Wife of Zacharias | Mother of John the Baptist ≈ 2 BC

Elisha: Son of Shaphat | Prophet858 BC


Elohim: see God the Father

Emma Hale Smith: Daughter of Isaac & Elizabeth Hale | Wife of Joseph Smith1830 AD


Enoch: † Son of Jared I | Father of MethuselahPatriarch | Prophet3370 BC

Enos II: Son of Jacob II | Father of JaromProphet450 BC


Ephraim: Son of Joseph I & Asenath | Patriarch ≈ 1640 BC

Esarhaddon: Son of Sennacherib | Father of AshurbanipalKing of Assyria ≈ 681 BC

Esau: Son of Isaac & Rebekah | Father of Edomites ≈ 1830 BC

Esther / Hadassah: Wife of Xerxes I/Artaxerxes II? | Queen of Persia479 BC

Ethbaal: see Ithobaal I


Ether: Son of Coriantor | Prophet550 BC

Evangelist: Title of one who preaches gospel | Missionary | Patriarch ≈ 33 AD


Eve: † Wife of Adam | Mother of Cain, Abel, & Seth | Matriarch4000 BC


Ezekiel: Son of Buzi | Prophet593 BC


Ezra: Descendant of Seraiah | High Priest | Prophet458 BC





Felix Antonius: Husband of DrusillaProcurator of Judea ≈ 52 AD


Festus Porcius: Procurator of Judea ≈ 59 AD

Ga-Ge / Gi-Gz


Gabriel: Angel of God | see also Noah

Gad I: Son of Jacob I & Zilpah | Patriarch ≈ 1670 BC

Gad II: Friend of DavidProphet1012 BC

Gadianton Robers: Secret society of Nephite robbers ≈ 50 BC


Gamaliel: Teacher of Paul | Pharisee 31 AD


Gedaliah: Son of Ahikam | Governor of Judea/Yehud Province ≈ 582 BC


Gershon: Son of Levi | Father of Gershonites1500 BC


Gershonites: Tribe descended from Gershon | Priestly Family ≈ 1400 BC


​​​Gideon I: Son of Joash | Father of AbimelechJudge of Israel ≈ 1200 BC

Gideon II: Nephite Leader ≈ 145 BC


God the Father: Heavenly Father | Elohim 


Gog: King of Magog ≈ Future AD


Goliath: of Gath | Giant Warrior of the Philistines ≈ 1024 BC

Grecians / Hellenists: Jews who spoke Greek ≈ 300 BC

Greeks: Descended from Javan | People from Greece ≈ 2200 BC

  • Gen. 10:2 | Wikipedia


Ha / He / Hi-Hz


Habakkuk: Prophet611 BC

Hadad: see Baal


Hadadezer: see Benhadad II


Hadassah: see Esther


Hagar the Egyptian: Handmaid of Sarah | Wife of Abraham | Mother of Ishmael ≈ 1907 BC

Haggai: Biblical Prophet520 BC

Ham: Son of Noah I | Father of Canaan | Patriarch ≈ 2444 BC

Hanani: Father of Jehu IProphet ≈ 909 BC

Hananiah: see Shadrach


Hannah: Wife of Elkanah | Mother of Samuel ≈ 1100 BC

Haran: Son of Terah | Father of Lot and Milcah ≈ 1900 BC

Hasmonean: see Maccabees


Hazael: King of Syria/Aram Damascus ≈ 842 BC


Helaman I: son of Alma II | Father of Helaman IIMilitary Leader | Prophet ≈ 74 BC


Helaman II: son of Helaman I | Father of Nephi IIProphet ≈ 50 BC

Hellenists: see Grecians

Herod I the Great: Son of Antipater I & Cypros I | Father of Herodian dynastyKing of Judea37 BC


Herod II / Herod Philip: Son of Herod the Great & Mariamne II | Husband of Herodias | Father of Salome III | Prince ≈ 4 BC


Herod Agrippa I: Son of Aristobulus IV & Berenice I | Father of Herod Agrippa II, Berenice II, & Drusilla King of Judea41 AD


Herod Agrippa II: Son of Herod Agrippa I & Cypros II | King of Judea53 AD


Herod Antipas: Son of Herod the Great & Malthace | Husband of HerodiasTetrarch ≈ 4 BC


Herod Archelaus: Son of Herod the Great & Malthace | Ethnarch ≈ 4 BC


Herodians: Political party who wanted to restore a Herod to the throne ≈ 30 AD

Herodias: Daughter of Aristobulus IV & Berenice I | Wife of Herod II & Herod Antipas | Mother of Salome IIIPrincess 30 AD

Hezekiah: † Son of Ahaz | Father of Manasseh IIKing of Judah729 BC

High Priest: Head of Israelite Priesthood | Only one allowed iin Holy of Holies of ancient Tabernacle & Temple ≈ 1500 BC


Hilkiah: Son of Shallum | Father of Azariah V & Jeremiah?High Priest641 BC

Hiram I: Son of AbibaalKing of Tyre ≈ 980 BC

Hittites: Group from northern Levant | Descended from Heth/Canaan ≈ 980 BC


Hophra: see Apries

Hosea / Hoshea: Son of Beeri | Prophet750 BC

Hoshea: Son of Elah | Last King of Israel732 BC

Huldah: Wife of Shallum | Prophetess 623 BC




Iddo: Biblical Prophet930 BC

Idumaeans: See Edomites


Isaac: † Son of Abraham & Sarah | Father of Jacob I & Esau | Prophet1800 BC

Isaiah: Son of Amoz | Father of Shear-Jashub & Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz | Patriarch | Prophet750 BC

Ish-bosheth: Son of Saul | King of Israel1020 BC


Ishmael I: Son of Abraham & Hagar | Father of 12 sons | Patriarch ≈ 1820 BC

Ishmael II: Father-in-Law of Nephi I ≈ 650 BC

​​​​Israel: see Jacob


Israelites: Descendants of Jacob/Israel & 12 sons ≈ 1600 BC

Issachar: Son of Jacob I & Leah | Patriarch ≈ 1660 BC

Ithobaal / Ethbaal I: Father of Jezebel | King of Tyre ≈ 896 BC


Jacob I / Israel: † Son of Isaac & Rebekah | Father of 12 Tribes of Israel | Patriarch | Prophet1740 BC

Jacob II: Son of Lehi & Sariah | Prophet591 BC


Jaddua: Son of Johanan | High Priest371 BC

James I: Son of Zebedee & Salome | Fisherman | Apostle30 AD

James II: Son of Alphaeus | Apostle31 AD


James III: Son of Mary I & Joseph II | Brother of Jesus | Bishop of Jerusalem32 AD


Japheth: Son of Noah I | Father of Magog and othersPatriarch ≈ 2494 BC

Jaredites: Group descended from Jared II & Brother ≈ 2200 BC


Jarom: Son of Enos II | Father of OmniProphet ≈ 400 BC


Jason: Son of Simon II | Brother of Onias III & MenelausHigh Priest175 BC


Jeconiah: see Jehoiachin

Jehoahaz I: see Ahaziah II


Jehoahaz II: Son of Jehu II | Father of Jehoash IIKing of Israel814 BC

Jehoahaz III / Shallum III: Son of