3000 BC
Melchizedek | High Priest
Melchizedek | King of Salem
2000 BC
3000 BC
4000 BC
Great pyramids
Assyrian Empire founded
Babylonian Empire founded
The Hyksos (from the Levant) rule Egypt
Hammurabi | King of Babylon
​​​18th Egyptian Dynasty expelled Hyksos Ex. 1:8​​
Chronology of Prophets, High Priests, & Rulers
All dates are approximate
4000 BC
3000 BC
2000 BC
1500 BC
1400 BC
Thutmose II | Pharaoh of Egypt
Hatshepsut | Queen/Pharaoh of Egypt
Battle of Megiddo | Canaan under Egyptian rule
The Exodus
Amenhotep II | Pharaoh of Egypt
Amarna Letters
1300 BC
1200 BC
Start of Iron Age
Battle of Kadesh | Hittites defeat Egyptians
Ruth & Naomi
1100 BC
1050 BC
1000 BC
David & Goliath
​​Siamun | Pharaoh of Egypt
Temple of Solomon completed​​
950 BC
900 BC
850 BC
800 BC
750 BC
Neo-Assyrian Empire established​​​
First Olympic Games
Rome founded
Tiglath-pileser III | King of Assyria​​​
Shalmanezer V | King of Assyria
Sargon II | King of Assyria | Israel falls to Assyria
Amariah I
Azariah IV
722 BC
931 BC
700 BC
600 BC
​Sennacherib | King of Assyria | fails to capture Jerusalem
Esarhaddon | King of Assyria
Manasseh carried captive to Assyria | later returned
Ashurbanipal | King of Assyria | defeats Taharqa
​​​​​​Necho II | Pharaoh of Egypt​​
Nebuchadnezzar II | King of Babylon​​
587 BC
Jerusalem & Temple destroyed | Nebuchadnezzar II deports Jews to Babylon
Fall of Assyrian Empire​​​
Battle of Meggido | Josiah killed | Judah vassal to Egypt​
​​Babylon defeats Egypt | controls Judah | Deports first Jews
​​​Jehoiakim rebels & taken to Babylon | Babylon beseiges Jerusalem | deports Jehoiachin | puts Zedekiah on throne
​​​​​​​​​​Azariah V
Nahum | Habakkuk
Urijah ​
Lehi & Nephi​​​​
625 BC
650 BC
575 BC
550 BC
500 BC
450 BC
Amel-Marduk | King of Babylon​
​Nabonidus & Belshazzar | Kings of Babylon
​​​​​Cyrus the Great | King of Persia
Xerxes I | King of Persia​​​​
​Artaxerxes I | King of Persia
​Artaxerxes II | King of Persia
​Artaxerxes III | King of Persia
​Darius III | Last King of Persia
400 BC
350 BC
​​​​​​​Cyrus the Great | King of Persia​
Persia overthrows Babylon | Cyrus allows Jews to return
Second Temple completed
Aristotle teaches many, including Alexander
Alexander the Great | King of Macedon
300 BC
250 BC
200 BC
150 BC
100 BC
50 BC
Alexander conquers Palestine
Death of Alexander; Seleucids, Ptolemies, & Antigonids | Greek/Hellenistic period begins
Wars between Ptolemies & Seleucids
Septuagint work begins in Alexandria
25 BC
Pompey conquers Judea, Roman rule​
Aristobulus II taken captive to Rome
Julius Caesar assasinated
Herod conquers Jerusalem
Cleopatra* dies | Last pharaoh
Herod starts Second Temple​ construction
Alma the Elder
Benjamin II
Mosiah II
Alma the Younger
Helaman, Moroni
Nephi II
Nephi III
​​​Aristobulus I | King
Alexander Jannaeus | King
Salome Alexandra* | Queen
Hyrcanus II | King
Aristobulus II | King
​Alexander the Great | Macedonian King
​Ptolemy I Soter | Egypt & Syria Satrap​​
Ptolemy I Soter | Ptolemaic King
Ptolemy II Philadelphus | Ptolemaic King
​Ptolemy III Euergetes | Ptolemaic King
Ptolemy IV Philopator | Ptolemaic King
Antiochus III the Great | Seleucid King
Seleucus IV Philopator | Seleucid King
​Antiochus IV Epiphanes | Seleucid King
​​Demetrius I Soter | Seleucid King
​Alexander I Balas | Seleucid King
Antipater the Idumaean | Roman Procurator of Judea​​
Augustus | Roman Emperor​
Zacharias (Priest)
Seleucids conquer Jerusalem
​​Epiphanes desecrates temple; Maccabean revolt
Temple rededicated | Hanukkah
​Jews receive independence
25 AD
Jesus | Great High Priest​
John the Baptist | Priest
Gamaliel | Sanhedrin
Birth of Jesus (dates disputed)
Death of Herod, kingdom divided
Judas of Gamala revolts against Rome
​​Jesus teaches in the Temple
Ministry of Jesus​
Jesus' Crucifixion & Resurrection
Jesus | Messiah
Anna* | Prophetess
John the Baptist | Prophet
Peter, James, John, & others | Apostles
Jesus | King of Kings
Quirinius | Governor of Syria
Coponius | Marcus A. | Prefects
Annius Rufus | Prefect
Tiberius | Emperor
Valerius Gratus | Prefect
​​Pontius Pilate | Prefect of Judea
33 AD
1 BC
50 AD
75 AD
100 AD
Josephus born
James beheaded | Paul's first mission
Council of Jerusalem ​​
Paul imprisoned | Temple completed
Jerusalem & Temple destroyed​​​
70 AD
Matthias​ | Apostle
Paul | Apostle​
James | Bishop of Jerusalem
Simeon I | Bishop of Jerusalem​
​​​​​​Linus | Bishop of Rome
Clement I | Bishop of Rome​​​​​
Simeon | Nasi​​
​​​​​​Jonathan & Ishmael II
Yohanan | Nasi of Sanhedrin
Gamaliel II | Nasi of Sanhedrin
Marcellus | Marullus | Prefects
Caligula | Claudius | Emperor​​
Cuspius Fadus | Procurator
Alexander | Cumanus | Procurators
Felix | Procurator
Nero | Emperor
Festus | Procurator
Lucceius Albinus | Procurator
Julianus | Procurator
Vespian | Emperor
​Flavius Silva | Propraetor
Titus | Emperor
Salvidienus | Propraetor
Domitian | Emperor
Longinus | Propraetor
200 AD
300 AD
400 AD
150 AD Amos​ | Nephite Recorder
250 AD Ammaron​ | Nephite Prophet
​​​​​​​​320 AD Mormon | Nephite Prophet
340 AD Moroni | Last Nephite Prophet
130 AD Romans rebuild Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina, built Temple of Jupiter on Temple Mount​
132 AD Jewish Bar Kokhba revolt
135 AD Romans defeated Jews and banned them from Jerusalem, renamed Judaea Syria Palaestina​​
189 AD Mishnah compiled​
312 AD Constantine converted to Christianity
325 AD Council of Nicaea reinstated Jerusalem's name, Constantine's mother visited Holy Land & commissioned churches​​
393 AD New Testament canonized​​
425 AD Sanhedrin abolished
107 AD Justus | Bishop of Jerusalem​​​​​​​
115 AD Eleazar ben Azariah | Nasi
​​170 AD Judah Hanassi | Nasi of Sanhedrin
220 AD Gamaliel III | Nasi of Sanhedrin
230 AD Judah II | Nasi of Sanhedrin
​​​​​​​​290 AD Judah III | Nasi of Sanhedrin
320 AD Hillel II | Nasi of Sanhedrin
385 AD Judah IV | Nasi of Sanhedrin
100 AD
440 AD Leo the Great | Pope
​590 AD Gregory I | Pope​
920 AD Aaron ben Meir | Rabbi
1040 AD Rashi | Rabbi of France
1099 AD Urban II | Pope
1135 AD Maimonides | Rabbi
1193 AD Innocent III | Pope
1267 AD Nahmanides | Rabbi
1503 AD Julius II | Pope
1520 AD Moses Isserles | Rabbi of Poland​​
1740 AD Baal Shem Tov | Founder of Hasidic Judaism
107 AD Justus | Bishop of Jerusalem​​​​​​​
115 AD Eleazar ben Azariah | Nasi
150 AD Amos​ | Nephite Recorder
​​170 AD Judah Hanassi | Nasi of Sanhedrin
220 AD Gamaliel III | Nasi of Sanhedrin
250 AD Ammaron​ | Nephite Prophet
​​​​​​​​290 AD Judah III | Nasi of Sanhedrin
320 AD Mormon | Nephite Prophet
385 AD Judah IV | Nasi of Sanhedrin
400 AD Moroni | Nephite Prophet
440 AD Leo the Great | Pope
​590 AD Gregory I | Pope​
920 AD Aaron ben Meir | Rabbi
1040 AD Rashi | Rabbi of France
1099 AD Urban II | Pope
1135 AD Maimonides | Rabbi
1193 AD Innocent III | Pope
1267 AD Nahmanides | Rabbi
1503 AD Julius II | Pope
1520 AD Moses Isserles | Rabbi of Poland​​
1740 AD Baal Shem Tov | Founder of Hasidic Judaism
105 AD Quintus Pompeius Falco | Propraetor of Judea
117 AD Hadrian | Emperor of Rome
130 AD Quintus Tineius Rufus | Propraetor of Judea​
132 AD Simon bar Kokhba | Prince of Israel
135 AD Sextus Julius Severus | Last Propraetor of Judea​
138 AD Antoninus Pius | Emperor of Rome
253 AD Valerian | Emperor of Rome
306 AD Constantine the Great | Emperor of Rome
527 AD Justinian the Great | Byzantine Emperor
​​610 AD Heraclius | Byzantine Emperor
634 AD Umar | Caliph of Islam
750 AD al-Saffah | Abbasid Caliph
1094 AD al-Mustazhir | Abbasid Caliph
1118 AD Baldwin II & Melisende* | King & Queen of Jerusalem
1131 AD Fulk, Baldwin III, Amalric, Baldwin IV | Kings of Jerusalem
1174 AD Saladin | Sultan of Egypt & Syria
1177 AD Baldwin V, Sibylla* & Guy, Isabella I* & Conrad, Henry II, Aimery | Kings & Queens of Jerusalem
1205 AD Maria* & John I, Isabella II* & Frederick, Conrad II, Conrad III | Kings & Queens of Jerusalem
1260 AD Baybars | Sultan of Egypt & Syria
1290 AD Al-Ashraf Khalil & Al-Nasir M. | Sultans​​​​​​ of Egypt & Syria
​1399 AD An-Nasir Faraj | Sultan​​​​​​ of Egypt & Syria​​​
1399 AD Qaitbay | Sultan​​​​​​ of Egypt & Syria​​
1516 AD Tuman Bay II | Sultan​​​​​​ of Egypt & Syria​​
1517 AD Selim I & Suleiman the Magnificent | Sultans​​​​​​ of Ottomans
1624 AD Fakhr-al-Din II | Emir of Arabistan
1774 AD Abdul Hamid I | Sultan of Ottoman Empire
The Restoration of the Gospel
614 AD Persians conquered Jerusalem, Christans slaughtered, Jews allowed to return
638 AD Jerusalem falls to Arab Muslims who eventually build Dome of the Rock on Temple
1187 AD Saladin & Muslims retook Jerusalem but permit worship of all religions
1229 AD Treaty of Jaffa temporarily restored Christian control of Jerusalem
1260 AD Mongols raided Jerusalem
1290 AD Jews expelled from England, 16 years later from France
1349 AD Jews blamed for the Black Plague
​​​1384 AD John Wycliffe translated Bible into English
1452 AD Gutenberg invented press; published Bible, making it widely available to the public
1492 AD Jews expelled from Spain & Sicily & eventually Portugal
1517 AD Jerusalem taken by Ottomans, religious freedom allowed
1517 AD Martin Luther posted 95 Theses, started Protestant reformation
1541 AD Ottomans permanently sealed Golden Gate of Jerusalem
1611 AD King James Bible published
1620 AD Pilgrims sail on Mayflower in search of religious freedom
1730 AD Great religious awakening
1795 AD Second great religious awakening
1799 AD Napoleon invaded the Holy Land
1820 AD Joseph Smith | Prophet
​​1835 AD Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Lyman E Johnson, Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke S. Johnson, William E. McLellin, John F. Boynton, William Smith | Apostles
1847 AD Brigham Young | Prophet
1880 AD John Taylor | Prophet
1889 AD Wilford Woodruff | Prophet
1898 AD Lorenzo Snow | Prophet
1901 AD Joseph F. Smith | Prophet
1918 AD Heber J. Grant | Prophet
​1945 AD George Albert Smith | Prophet
1951 AD David O. McKay | Prophet
1970 AD Joseph Fielding Smith | Prophet
1972 AD Harold B. Lee | Prophet
1973 AD Spencer W. Kimball | Prophet
1985 AD Ezra Taft Benson | Prophet
1994 AD Howard W. Hunter | Prophet
1995 AD Gordon B. Hinckley | Prophet
2008 AD Thomas S. Monson | Prophet
2018 AD Russell M. Nelson | Prophet
​1829 AD Joseph Smith
​1829 AD Oliver Cowdery
1831 AD Many Ordained from this point onward
1829 AD Andrew Jackson | President USA
​​​1834 AD Abraham Lincoln | Illinois House of Rep
1836 AD Lilburn Boggs | Governor of Missouri
1837 AD Martin Van Buren | President USA
1841 AD John Tyler | President USA
1845 AD James K. Polk | President USA
1861 AD Abraham Lincoln | President USA
1876 AD Abdul Hamid II | Sultan of Ottoman Empire
1948 AD David Ben-Gurion | First Prime Minister of Israel
1989 AD Yasser Arafat | First President of Palestine
​​​​​1820 AD The First Vision
1829 AD Priesthood restored
​​​1830 AD Church reorganized
1836 AD Kirtland Temple​​​​​​
1841 AD Orson Hyde visits Holy Land & dedicates for return of the Jews
1844 AD Joseph Smith martyred
1847 AD Saints reach Utah
1861 AD US Civil War
​​​​1882 AD First European Jews return to Holy Land
1896 AD Utah gains statehood
1916 AD British forces drive Ottomans out of the Holy Land, create Mandatory Palestine
1945 AD 6 million Jews killed in Holocaust
1947 AD Dead Sea Scrolls discovered
1948 AD State of Israel created, Arab-Israeli wars begin, Jerusalem divided between Israel (West Jerusalem) and Jordan (East Jerusalem)​
1967 AD Six-Day War, Israel captures East Jerusalem
575 BC